Wise Shopping Tips Before Buying A New Mattress
"You are either in your bed or in your shoes, so it pays to invest in both." – John Wildsmith
Thinking about buying a new mattress? Well, since you spend a third of your life in bed, you might as well invest in a comfortable place to rest after a long, hard day of toiling away in the salt mines. Instead of fretting about the intricate details of shopping for a new mattress, consider these practical tips before forking over your credit card information.

Choose the one that suits your needs. Comfort and support are highly subjective attributes, so it’s best to do your homework. Get to know the different kinds of mattresses that are currently available at your bed shop. If, for example, you want to relieve pain and soreness on your back, hips, and joints, a gel memory foam mattress may be the one that works best. You don’t have to worry anymore about spending an arm and a leg just to have a restful night’s sleep. According to a 2007 Consumer Reports investigation, most folks are quite happy with inexpensive models. So, shop smart and see which mattress fits your budget.
Give it a sleep trial first. Shoppers who spent 15 to 20 minutes testing mattresses were likely to be more satisfied with their potential new investment, according to Consumer Reports. Fortunately for you, Bedding Stock offers a 120-day comfort guarantee. So why spend only a few minutes lying on a bed when you can enjoy four solid months of actually sleeping on it? Research suggests that you should be able to experience sleeping on your back, stomach or on your side, whichever way you prefer, in order to get an overall feel of your new mattress.
Think of your bedmate. Unless you and your partner have the same preference when it comes to sleeping, you’d better consider his or her needs as well. Memory foam mattresses are known to have great motion isolation. To avoid disturbing your partner when you get out of bed, a memory foam mattress can effectively reduce bouncing or absorb movement. It is also a silent bed to sleep in, unlike innerspring mattresses which sometimes make squeaky noises.
The salient point is comfort. The reason for buying a new mattress is to be happy and content with sleeping on your bed each night. Having a restful night’s sleep is your end goal, plain and simple. The costly price of a mattress doesn’t automatically guarantee a superior product. Besides, they’re all relatively equal when it comes to quality. So if you’re looking to buy a new bed, at a reasonable price, from a reliable bed shop - visit The Bed King.